The Tryout Process
In an effort to make Columbia Debate Society a more inclusive and accessible club, we have eliminated our selective tryout process for the 2021-2022 academic year.
In the past, CDS fostered an environment that was elitist and problematic; this is not compatible with our team’s goals for the club as a space for people of all backgrounds to feel welcome. We are no longer requiring a tryout based on demonstration of skills to get in, which historically only reflected past experience rather than future potential. Instead, we will be accepting anyone who shows a minimum level of interest at our informational meetings. This is the first time we are implementing an interest-only acceptance process and we are sure that there will be modifications in the years to come to further improve Columbia Debate. We hope that we are taking a step in the right direction to make debate, and clubs at Columbia in general, more accessible.
Our interest-based tryout process aims to accept everyone who meets the minimum level of demonstrated interest during the time period in which we would normally hold tryouts. To remain a member in good standing throughout the year, there will be expectations to participate in mandatory equity training and to assist with tournaments. These requirements will be flexible and communicated to members frequently.
We will host two informational events per week during the three weeks that follow the club fair. To get on the team, we will require the following level of demonstrated interest:
Sign up for the CDS email list at the club fair
Attend one of the two events in the first week of the recruitment period
Attend one of the two events in the second week of the recruitment period
Confirm your desire to join the team via google form, which will be sent out by email to everyone who signs up at the club fair
As we get closer to the date of the club fair we will send out a schedule of events and a way to communicate with board any conflicts, concerns, or other barriers to entry. Please keep checking our social media and our website as we finalize our criteria for membership for the 2021-2022 academic year.
In the meantime, feel free to email us at, DM us on instagram @columbiadebatesociety, or message us on Facebook @columbiadebate with any questions or concerns. We look forward to welcoming you all!